Ask Miss Silvia.
October 10, 2011

Good morning friends.  Miss Silvia here at your service.  I've decided that since I am the Be All, Know All, I would share some of my advice, knowledge and insight with you!  For any pet related questions you have, just send an e-mail HERE with Ask Silvia in the subject line.  I'll post my advice as soon as I wake from my nap.  In the meantime, take this bit of kitty advice with you.........I'll get back to you later on that zzzzzz....
Dear Miss Silvia,
Can you please tell me why my dog insists on eating the poop out of the cat litter box?
Sincerely, Disgusted Pet mom

Dear Disgusted Pet mom,
Well dear, it is actually very simple. It is because it tastes good. See, the dog, being the lowly creature that it is, is fed boring and dull food, because the dog IS boring and dull. But the precious and beautiful feline is a masterpiece and therefore worthy of the best food in the land. It shouldn't surprise you then that even a queenly felines waste would be much tastier that what the lowly dog eats. On the other hand, if your guardians would clean the litter box more often there wouldn't be any poop for the dog to eat! Luckily for the health and well being of my human, I have her trained quite well and do not have this problem.
Dear Miss Silvia,
What can I do to stop my cat from scratching my furniture, my doors and my legs?
Signed, Pet mom in pain!

Dear Pet Mom in pain,
Nothing is more important to the regal feline than long, sharp and gorgeous claws.  You must know that, right?  Obviously you are not up to date on the catering needs of your precious feline, so let me educate you until it is time for my nap.  All kitties have an innate instinct to scratch, and this is mainly for one reason.  To keep the claws in prime shape!  You see, each claw has an outer covering called the sheath that MUST be removed from time to time.  This is not an option, it must shed occasionally.  The shedding is done by kitty scratching and she will scratch whatever is closest to her when she arises from her beauty sleep.  First, determine what your kitty prefers, does she scratch upright items or flat-on-the-ground items?  Then,  please run out to your favorite pet store and purchase whichever type makes sense based on kitty's scratching habits.  Upright carpet/sisal rope or flat carpet/cardboard type.  Place them near the spot kitty usually naps or right near the spot she has been scratching.  Sprinkle catnip on them and also GENTLY take kitty's paws and rub them lightly on the new post to pace her scent on them.  Every time you see her go for the furniture, gently show her the new post.  When she uses the new one, praise her highly and give her treats, lots of treats!   Naturally, you are already praising her and giving treats simply by virtue of the fact that ALL felines deserve this, so you must increase this activity immediately!  


Feline advice does not come cheap, payment is required for all answers in the form of tuna, toys or catnip!!!!!!!!!


Feline advice does not come cheap, payment is required for all answers in the form of tuna, toys or catnip!!!!!!!!!


Feline advice does not come cheap, payment is required for all answers in the form of tuna, toys or catnip!!!!!!!!!

Dear Silvia,

We have a cat who was loving and affectionate until my wife became pregnant. All through out the pregnancy and after, Lucy ( the cat ) bites her at least once a day. Lucy does not bother me as much though she will occasionally lightly bite me in play very gently. Lately she has also gone after our daughter who is almost three. We love Lucy and adopted her from a vet after she had been shot in the leg and the vet pinned and externally fixated her leg and now she is as good as new. We have looked a better home few her but none are willing. She also is obsessed with food herding us to her food bowl for food though she is has plenty. we have tried all types of food from dry to moist to people and nothing helps here either. We are at the point of dropping her off at a no kill shelter as we don't want our daughter to be afraid of cats and other companion animals. Please help!!!!

Dear please help!!!!

Oh my goodness, this is an easy one, barely worth waking me from my beauty sleep.  But ok, toss some tuna my way and I'll get to work......your precious kitty is feeling very left out and unappreciated.  She is most unhappy that you have chosen to soil her queendom with another peasant, AND all without HER blessing!
  You should feel very lucky she chooses to remain with you.  Now stop horsing around and pay her some attention!  One-on-one attention.  Buy her extra treats and toys and lavish some attention and love on her this instant.  She needs to feel that she is still loved, appreciated and wanted.  She is feeling VERY left out and is very very sad that she is being ignored.  After all, she IS the feline and she IS the head of the household!  Let her feel like she is part of the new toy you have brought her and let her play!  She isn't going to hurt her.  Surely you can afford 15 minutes of special play time with your first baby - kitty!  Just because you have a new family member doesn't mean you can ignore the current ones.  It would be a good idea to give her lots of extra treats and affection while in the company of this new intrusion so she will understand that the baby means good things will happen.  New toys, new treats, lots of petting and cooing over KITTY  while in the presence of the human baby will let her know she is still important to the family.  She is herding you to the food because she wants your attention.  She isn't looking for a new food, she is looking for YOU!  She is your family too and needs to be treated as such. You cannot toss aside a current family member just because you've brought in another.  She is sad and hurt that you have forgotten her as and no longer treat her as the QUEEN that she is.  Now get off the computer my minion and go pay attention to Kitty Love and let me get back to my beauty sleep.