Hairballs in Cats: How to Manage Them Effectively 

Anyone with a cat is familiar with hairballs and the problems associated with them. Because cats groom themselves by licking their fur, hairballs are inevitable. Although you can’t prevent or completely eliminate hairballs, it is possible to reduce their frequency and make the struggle with them less difficult for your cat.

All cats suffer from hairballs, however, the longer haired varieties, such as Persians and Angoras, suffer from it more often and with greater difficulty. Because cats clean themselves by licking the fur, the hairs become attached to the tongue, then are swallowed and accumulate in the feline’s stomach. Most of the time, these hairs go through the cat’s intestinal tract and are eliminated from the body with no problem. Hairballs are the remaining hairs and fur that does not get eliminated, but has formed into a clump in the stomach, and cannot pass through the bowels. They will be choked or coughed up through the throat and out of the body through the mouth. Hairballs generally resemble cigar-shaped masses, and sometimes even a firm stool with hairs sticking out of it.

Dangers From Hairballs

Although hairballs cannot be eliminated completely, it is very important to do what you can to help reduce their occurrence. Several more serious conditions can arise, if the frequency of hairballs increases, or the hairball episodes become severe. Some of the dangers include:

· Impaction – where hairballs get lodged in the digestive tract, which generally occurs when a hairball was small enough to get into the intestines, but is moving slowly and food that has entered behind it cannot pass beyond it, causing a blockage in the intestinal flow.

· Vomiting undigested food – which can result in malnutrition and dehydration.

· Decreased appetite – eventually your cat’s desire to avoid retching and vomiting hairballs will diminish his desire to eat.

· Trouble defecating – difficulty with bowel movements, which may translate into failure to use the litter box and irritability, as well astoxins accumulating in the body
because waste is not being eliminated frequently enough.

· Swollen abdomen – which causes discomfort from distention

· Diarrhea

· Dry retching – the strain of vomiting bringing up stomach bile and spit; causing pain and discomfort and muscle strain, while failing to expel the hairball orally.

If you think your cat is suffering from impaction or a more serious blockage, contact your veterinarian at once, as surgery may be required to clear the intestinal passageway. Your veterinarian will be able to clear blockages non-surgically as long as the condition has not progressed too far.

Controlling Hairballs

As always, it is easier to treat simple conditions and far better to prevent serious incidents than to to try and treat more severe conditions once they have progressed too far. Some of the ways you can manage hairballs are:

1. Food – choose a high quality, wholesome food that breaks down easily in the cat’s digestive system. Do not use cheap, generic brand foods, as they do not provide ample nutrition to your cat, and decrease the quality function of their digestive system, which is one way the hairballs are eliminated. Some brands contain ingredients that help breakdown hairballs in the digestive tract.

2. Hairball remedies – which come in a variety of forms such as treats, or supplements, which you can put some on the cat’s food, or pastes and gels, which you can feed orally. These should be used in moderation, as they contain mineral oil which helps with elimination, but also depletes Vitamins

3. Grooming – frequently brushing your cat’s fur will greatly reduce the number of loose hairs that your cat could end up swallowing as it grooms. After brushing, take a clean cloth and wipe your cat’s fur in the direction it grows to remove any remaining loose hairs. Some cats are just habitual groomers, almost to the point of excess, so providing more toys and activities that distract him from this is helpful too.

Make sure you check with your veterinarian to see what other options may be available nutritionally to help reduce the size and frequency of the hairballs, and to make sure that you have chosen a good quality food and hairball remedy. Your veterinarian may also have some suggestions on how often to use the treats and hairball treatments so that you don’t compromise your cat’s nutritional needs. 

Go here for tips and instructions on taking care of newborn kittens:

Most people know that onions are toxic to dogs, but garlic is, too. And both are toxic to cats as well. Be aware that onion powder is often added to baby food to make it taste better, so if you're using baby food to coax your pet to eat, check the label first!
For cats who suddenly stop using the litter box

Inappropriate elimination (outside of the litterbox) is a common concern and is one of the most frequent reasons cats are relinquished to animal shelters. Fortunately, many litter box problems can be resolved with simple household changes and some sleuthing to determine the root of the problem.

First consult your veterinarian
Anytime there is an abrupt behavioral change in your pet, it is essential to first visit your veterinarian to determine if there is a medical reason for the change in behavior. A change in litter box habits may be the result of a urinary tract infection or gastrointestinal upset. A cat experiencing a health problem may quickly associate the litter box with the painful feeling experienced when trying to relieve himself. If this occurs, your kitty may develop an aversion to the litter box and choose an alternative place to eliminate– usually one that is problematic for humans!

Litterbox aversion
Litter box aversion may develop if your cat has experienced an unpleasant experience in the litter box. This could be the result of painful elimination in the box due to a health problem or a frightening experience such as a loud noise or altercation with another cat or a dog while using the box. If your cat has developed an aversion to the litter box, replace the entire box, place it in a new safe location, and use a different litter type. Also, some cats don’t like covered litter boxes, so you may want to consider providing an open option for your cat.

One of the most important things to consider is the cleanliness of your cat’s litter box. An increase in your scooping and cleaning of the litter box can make a world of difference to a cat experiencing problems using their box. Boxes should be scooped daily and fully cleaned every few days. Avoid heavy chemicals for cleaning; cats have an excellent sense of smell and the harsh scents may cause them to avoid the box.

Litter box size and style
The litter box should be large enough for your cat to comfortably move within and turn around; a good rule of thumb is to use a litter box that is 1 ½ times the length of your cat. If your commercial litter box seems a bit small, consider using a large, shallow plastic bin instead to provide your kitty plenty of room. The style of your litter box may be an important consideration as well. While some cats seen to prefer the privacy of covered boxes, other cats tend to avoid covered boxes altogether.

Litter preference
Cats often develop surface preferences for elimination. Many cats prefer soft surfaces for potty material; therefore, it may be helpful to try different litter types to find one that is comfortable under kitty feet. Keep the litter fairly shallow in the box so that the entire surface is covered, but isn’t too deep.

Litter box number and location
Another simple and beneficial option is to add additional litter boxes in other locations that are both convenient and easy for your cat to access. Even if you have only one cat, multiple litter boxes placed throughout the house with one on each level is best. It is essential that boxes are placed away from frightening sounds or objects (washer/dryer or vacuum cleaner locations may be scary). If you also have a dog, check to make sure that the litter boxes are placed in a low traffic location that is safe and secure from the dog, but also convenient for your cat. Some cats are averse to using the same litter box as their housemate. So if you have multiple cats, make sure that you have at least as many litter boxes as you have cats! Your best bet is to have one more litter box than you do cats.

For additional support, seek help from a certified applied animal behaviorist, veterinary behaviorist, or feline behavior consultant.